Canal Boat Designs:-

Though designed to suit 200-year-old waterways, the modern narrowboats feature everything you need to enjoy a high quality self-catering holiday.

With the holiday experience they provide, you could easily be mistaken for thinking that canals were built entirely for pleasure, but their history is strongly industrial.

The first canals were built to take boats just 7ft (2m)wide but 70ft (20m) long, hence the rather unusual proportions of the typical 'narrowboat'. However, you will find that every need is catered for in this intriguing living space.

Appointed to the standard you would expect of a country cottage, you have the added bonus of changing the scenery, without re-packing your suitcase, each day.

Narrow boats / narrowboats come in three stern (back end) types,Cruiser Stern (CS), Semi traditional (ST) and traditional stern (TS). The choice of which is very much a personal thing.

Traditional Stern Semi Traditional Stern Cruiser Stern

Traditional Stern / Semi Traditional Stern / Cruiser Stern

2 Berth Boats

| Tyle Mill ()

3 Berth Boats

| Red Shank ()

4 Berth Boats

| Tyne (CS) | Grebe (CS) | Soar (CS) | Weaver (ST) | Nene (CS) | Morgaine () | Elaine () | CBC4 (CS) | Oakhill () | Wren (ST) | Portus (CS) | Kestrel (CS) | Swift (CS)

5 Berth Boats

| Bunting (CS) | Finch (CS) | Heron (ST) | Plover (ST)

6 Berth Boats

| Medway (CS) | Derwent (CS) | Thrush (ST) | Gull (CS) | Red Grouse () | Pellinore () | Accolon () | Empress () | Gawaine () | CBC6 (CS) | Redwing () | Kintbury () | Ufton (ST) | Copse () | Crofton () | Dove (CS) | Lark (ST) | Red Swallow6 () | Duck (CS) | Sandpiper (CS) | Spirit (CS) | Dove2 (CS) | Partridge (ST)

7 Berth Boats

| Eagle (CS) | Red Crest ()

8 Berth Boats

| Wye (CS) | Goldcrest () | Woodpecker (CS) | Severn () | Goose (ST) | Cap-Gosling (CS) | Red Swallow (CS) | Merlin () | Caen () | Sanderling (CS) (Wide beam) | Warbler (ST) | Mist (ST)

9 Berth Boats

| Vintage (CS) (Wide beam)

10 Berth Boats

| Owl (CS) | Wagtail (CS) | Tern (CS)

12 Berth Boats

| Swan (CS)

Canal Boat Holidays - How to book:-

Your canal boat holidays can be booked immediately with instant confirmation of your holiday as our web site is live and up to date 24/7. View our live availability now.